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Re: [SPAM: 3.500] Re: [pygame] This one baffles me

Wow, thanks....
Ahem: http://yellow.bikeshed.com/

There's no need for everyone to jump in and start offering solutions to a simple problem. There's lots of different ways to solve it. People have different opinions on what is the best way. But irregardless, I'm pretty sure the GP knows how to do it now.


On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Nicholas Dudfield <ndudfield@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:ndudfield@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    jug wrote:

        I think you forgot the newline:
         .replace("\n"+" "*4, "\n\t")

    No cigar... not even close..

    from __future__ import with_statement

    with open ('perforce_plugin.py', 'r+w') as fh:
      fixed_tabs = fh.read().expandtabs(4)

    *expandtabs*(s, tabsize=8)
      <http://pydoc.org/1.6/string.html#-expandtabs>(s [,tabsize]) ->
          Return a copy of the string s with all tab characters replaced
      by the appropriate number of spaces, depending on the current
      column, and the tabsize (default 8).

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