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Re: [pygame] Array2d fails with movie_renderframe

Mmm, interesting, according to the documentation, the screen is a surface.  I had tried to render to a surface, but then the image was never displayed (I had not tried to get the array).  Now that you suggested, I tried again, I still can't see the video, but the array has information.  I guess I need to tell the display to render that surface, but I still haven't found how (I'll take another look).  This is a great advance indeed! Thanks.

Here is my new code:

import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *

filepath = "esponja.mpg"
movie = pygame.movie.Movie(filepath)
w, h = movie.get_size()
size = w, h
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
screen2 = pygame.Surface(size)
movie.set_display(screen2, Rect((0, 0), size))

def play():
  i = 0
  frame_number = 0
    frame_number = movie.render_frame(i)
    frame = pygame.surfarray.array2d(screen2) #copies
    print frame
    ## I also tried by adding a call to display.flip()... I guess that is not the way, it didn't work
    if frame_number < i:
    i = i + 1