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Re: [pygame] subsurfaces outside of their parents

On 11/9/05, Forest Darling <fdarling@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I want this feature,
> personally, for a widget drawing system involving subsurfaces.

  I wrote some GUI code with SDL a while back that had a similar
issue; I ended up not using subsurfaces, though:  I'd advocate looking
into Surface.set_clip to make sure things which are drawn outside
where you want them to be don't show up.  It takes a little wedging to
get into the rendering queue but ends up working nicely once there.

( http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/surface.html#Surface.set_clip )

  Then again, if you do find a way of getting subsurfaces to act like
that, I think it'd be a bit more elegant :)