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[pygame] PyGlyph

pyglyph works if you've got PyOpenGL and PyGame.



I'm having some trouble getting this to work. Specifically, the examples
work fine, but any attempt to use PyGlyph without making my program a
subclass of the ExampleBase class fails. I built a single-file demo that
omits the example_base code so that it's just one file that creates a
screen, creates a font-factory, and runs a loop of displaying text and
waiting for an "Escape" keypress. This demo displays only a white screen
with blocks of unreadable black!

What could be going wrong? As far as I can tell, I'm doing the same
thing as the "hello" example plus its example_base code in one file.

My test code is at:

Since then I retrofitted my example to have it subclass from
ExampleBase, and that worked -- when I exactly imitated the "hello"
demo's code. When I started to deviate from it by using my own "Draw"
function and event-handler again instead of the default "display" loop, the program hung, failing for no obvious reason to draw or respond.

Thanks for any ideas on this.
