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Re: [pygame] Help with the 3rd Lecture, first tutorial

From: kevin hayes
To: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: [pygame] Help with the 3rd Lecture, first tutorial

I am thoroughly confused at this point. I guess I need to change the path.
    When sending you information I can understand that you could have gotten confused since everything from setting the system path and such was thrown at you.
    You had said, and was reminded about the path you had loaded Python25 from, and that was from the Python25 folder where it would normally be installed on the windows C drive. That is where it will fall apart. Yes, you had to change the path for running example programs for the path has to be where the example program is...
    You have to look at the program location and where all the data for the program is residing. If the data folder is a child, sub-directory of the example folder then you are OK as long as, I repeat, "AS LONG AS" you load the python25.exe at that directory point. Or you either go to the example directory by using the batch files I gave you or going to the command prompt and typing C: and hitting enter, then cd python25 and hitting enter then cd examples and hitting enter or
    The third way is to go to windows explorer and go to the examples folder and click on the Chimp.py game and if it runs it will run the chimp example or it may ask what you want to run it with. For if it asks you then go to the browse option and click on it. For by doing this it will allow you to select which program you wish to run. First it will ask you to enter the path to the program and that is what you enter. For the program to run any .py module is the very path you first went to and that is c:\Python25\ and you enter that path plus the Python25 program and once you have entered c:\Python25\Python25.exe and hit enter or go to OK and click on it your program will run from Windows Explorer each time you double click on a .py file.
    Now that you have set Windows Explorer to run any .py game or program you write all you have to do is go to the folder in which a .py module/file is located. Once you click on it it will load Python25.exe and the file and run.
    You will not have to go to a DOS prompt unless you want to when doing this. The Open Command Here is only if you want to run from the DOS shell for it will take you to the folder you are hovering over inside Explorer, thus bypassing going to the DOS prompt icon, clicking on it, and navigating the long way over to that folder.
    You had asked if the path needed to be changed and that depends on where you are residing. For where you run Python25.exe, is where the OS.PATH connects to. If you are in the Python25 folder that is what is loaded into OS>PATH at the time of loading Python25.exe
    Now, you have many options, but you also have to look at the .py module you have and what it also demands. The Chimp.py file has join("data/file") and this is appended to the OS.PATH.
    So, you now have to locate where the data folder is. So, since the data folder is in the examples folder you either move to that folder, where Chimp.py is, and then click on Chimp.py from Explorer or at the DOS prompt move to that folder and type Python25 Chimp.Py and then hit enter.
    Your Chimp will run as long as the data folder is a child of the examples folder.
    If not, then you must change the Chimp.py program where it has the join(data/) reference. You must add the complete location of where you are at to get it running. So if Chimp.py is loaded and does not run you then modify the join( to reflect from where you were which was c:\Python25\ and add to the join statement everywhere it is located the addition of example/ to it, or join("example/data/filename.ext) what ever was inside the parens and expand it...
    1) Go to the examples folder when at the DOS prompt then type Python25 Chimp.py.
    2) Or use Windows Explorer and click on Chimp.py inside the examples folder. Setup up Explorer so it runs Python25.exe upon the click.
    3) Or from Windows download the Open Command Here, set it up, then hover over the examples folder, then click on the file/context menu option for Open Command
    Here and repeat step 1 if you want to be in DOS to run/test your games.
    You have many choices and the best one is option 2. Option 2 is to run immediately the game you wish to test/run. For that is the path of least resistance! For you stay within Windows and not even touch DOS unless of course you want to be in DOS.
 "May The Force Be With You!"