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Re: [pygame] Licensing Issues...

Further research reveals that it is not licensed under the GPL, but the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" which is readable here:


I can see it is relatively more lax, I would imagine if the library was truly GPL, then PyGame would have to be too... But still - feedback is welcome...



Lasse Laursen wrote:
Hey PyGame Developers,

I'm currently in the process of developing a commercial product using PyGame as well as Py2Exe... Now - basically I'm wondering if other people has had a hand in releasing any commercial python software using PyGame... I am aware of the MS pitfall regarding the msvcr71.dll file and that so far, the apparently only legal recourse is to purchase visual studio .net 2003... But I've been wondering a bit about Python and its dependancies...

I know that PyGame is LGPL and friendly towards commercial products... Searching the net I also found the following:


Now this is all well and good, but when looking closer - at least one library that PyGame uses seem to be licensed under the regular GPL - for example the smpeg lib from this location: http://icculus.org/smpeg/

I know that lawyers don't exactly troll programming mailing lists, but even some general knowledge would do me good here... I would assume that since the entire PyGame package has one license, that's the one to keep an eye on... Which would be the easiest for me without a doubt... All feedback welcome...

