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Re: [pygame] Spam problem with joystick module

Rouiller, check if these work for you.

Teste1.py controls a circle (and a line, if you have 2 or more directional pads) on the window.
Teste2.py outputs button numbers and directional axes information (it's a bit spammy when you're dealing with analog directional buttons, it's just because there's so many different values the axes can take in that case).


On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 2:15 AM, rouiller olivier <o.rouiller@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
ok thank's let's try to build it, should be a good exercise after all.

2009/11/13 Lorenz Quack <don@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


rouiller olivier wrote:
The calls to get_axis and get_button cause these outputs...
Maybee there is another way of getting the values?..

Not sure if there is another way.
Note that this is already fixed in svn trunk.
So I guess you can either try to build pygame from source from the svn version or
wait for the next release.


Rouiller Olivier
06 79 66 89 63
Résidence Léonard de Vinci
App. A008
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq


import pygame
import math
import random

black  = (0,0,0)
color  = (255,255,255)
speed  = 3.0
size   = 7
length = 20

#Pygame initialization
s = pygame.display.get_surface()
t = pygame.time.Clock()

#Checking for joysticks
print "Joysticks:", pygame.joystick.get_count()
j = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)

print "Using joystick:",j.get_name(),"With",j.get_numbuttons(),"buttons and",j.get_numaxes(),"axes."
print "Press button 1 to change color (or button 0, if you start counting from 0)"
print "Press button",j.get_numbuttons(),"to quit. (or button", j.get_numbuttons()-1,"if you start counting from 0)"

x = s.get_width()/2.0
y = s.get_height()/2.0
angle = 0.0

def loop():
    global s, x, y, b, j, black, size, length, angle, color
    while pygame.event.get(pygame.QUIT) == []:

        x += j.get_axis(0)*speed
        y += j.get_axis(1)*speed
        pygame.draw.circle(s, color, (int(round(x)),int(round(y))), size)

        if(j.get_numaxes() >= 4):
            fx = j.get_axis(2)
            fy = j.get_axis(3)
            if math.fabs(fx)+math.fabs(fy) > 0.5:
                angle = math.atan2(fy, fx)
            pygame.draw.line(s, color, (int(round(x)),int(round(y))), (int(round(x+math.cos(angle)*length)),int(round((y+math.sin(angle)*length)))))

        if j.get_button(j.get_numbuttons()-1):
            print "Quit button pressed!"
        if j.get_button(0):
            color = (random.randint(50,255),random.randint(50,255),random.randint(50,255))



import pygame

#Pygame initialization
#s = display.get_surface()
t = pygame.time.Clock()

print "Joysticks:", pygame.joystick.get_count()
j = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
print "Using joystick:",j.get_name(),"With",j.get_numbuttons(),"buttons and",j.get_numaxes(),"axes."
print "Press joystick button 0 to quit"

def loop():
    global t, j
    while pygame.event.get(pygame.QUIT) == []:
        #Getting joystick motion
        axes = pygame.event.get(pygame.JOYAXISMOTION)
        if axes != []:
            axes_data = []
            for c in range(0, j.get_numaxes()):
                axes_data += [str(round(j.get_axis(c),1))]
            print axes_data

        #Getting button presses
        buttonsdown = pygame.event.get(pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN)
        for button in buttonsdown:
            print "Pressed button", button.button
            if button.button == 0:

        #Getting button releases
        buttonsup = pygame.event.get(pygame.JOYBUTTONUP)
        for button in buttonsup:
            print "Released button", button.button

