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Re: [pygame] Font-Related Segfault

I can't see anything replacing cStringIO with StringIO. It is easy enough to check anyway:

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan  4 2009, 17:40:26)
[GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cStringIO
>>> type(cStringIO.StringIO)
<type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
>>> import StringIO
>>> type(StringIO.StringIO)
<type 'classobj'>

No, I think the bug has always been there. In most cases it is innocuous. But in this case it corrupts memory used elsewhere by a program. This has happened before. So the question now becomes: is there something special about the font module that is causing the problem? (The object wrapper which allows a Python object to be accessed by SDL is used in several Pygame modules)

Lenard Lindstrom

Bryce Schroeder wrote:
Maybe my cStringIO has been transparently replaced by StringIO for
some reason. I would think that cStringIO would be available on this
platform but perhaps not.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <len-l@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Strange. cStringIO works for me. I have localized the problem to the first
call to the file like object's tell method. But since this is the first
method called, it might not be limited to it.

Lenard Lindstrom

Bryce Schroeder wrote:
cStringIO seems to have the same problem for me.
It is already using open with 'rb'.
Thanks for all your help, I will await the next version / patch I guess.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <len-l@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Bryce,

Try using cStringIO instead. And make sure to open the file 'rb' (this
matter on Linux, but will on Windows). I reproduced your problem with a
modified pygame.examples.fonty, and yes, it appears to be a bug. StringIO
instances should work.

Lenard Lindstrom

Bryce Schroeder wrote:

This code reproduces the problem. It is also as an attachment.

My system:
uname -a:
Linux thales 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:48:52 UTC
2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

-------file: tester.py --------------
import pygame, StringIO, sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
      print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: python tester.py font.ttf"

font = pygame.font.Font(sys.argv[1], 12)
print "Loaded the font as a file:", font

test = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
stio = StringIO.StringIO(test)
font2 = pygame.font.Font(stio, 12)
print "Loaded the font as a StringIO:", font2

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Bryce Schroeder
<bryce.schroeder@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I wrote the string (self.parts['font']) out to a temporary file and
diff'd it against the original file, and they are identical.
Pygame successfully loads the font from the temporary file, and the
font works normally. However I would definitely like to
find a less kludgish solution to the problem.

The particular font does not appear to matter, or at least, a wide
variety of truetype fonts are affected - I can't load Junius Unicode
or Free Serif from a StringIO either, but I can load them from files.

It worked about six to eight months ago. Sorry I can't be more
specific - I sort of mothballed the project for a while.

Sorry I didn't provide a "demonstration program" I will try to keep
that in mind in the future.

- Bryce

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Brian Fisher

Pygame should be supporting a file-like object no problem, so this
like it could be a bug.

Can you be more specific on when in the past it worked, and what
between then and when it segfaults now?

Also, it's not clear from your problem description whether the problem
that pygame crashes when loading from a file-like object, or if pygame
crashes on a specific set of font data.

So I would suggest doing a sanity check here by writing the
self.parts['font'] string to a temp file, and trying to load from
as a
way of being able to determine if the crash is caused by the file-like
object reading, or by some problem with the contents of the file-like

So something like:
class Font(Resource):
 def pygame_font(self,size):
    file(temp_file_name, "w").write(self.parts['font'])
    return pygame.font.Font(temp_file_name, size)
If that still crashes, then pygame has trouble with that font content,
then the question would be to figure out what about that font content
causing problems. If that doesn't crash, then the problem would be
accessing the content as a file-like object.

... finally, as general advice to all people posting problems - if you
send a completely self-contained reproducible case, then you are much
likely to get good help and results faster. As an example in this
providing the contents of the self.parts['font'] string in an attached
with a simple script that tries to load from a StringIO using that
contents, would make this easily reproducible and testable by fellow
listers - but without knowing what the contents of the string in
are, it may actually be practically impossible for anyone else to test

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Bryce Schroeder
<bryce.schroeder@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

(My apologies if this is a double-post. I didn't get a copy of the
message or see it in the archive, so I'm trying again.)

 I have a pygame program that worked in the past on both Linux and
Windows, but now results in a segfault, at least on Linux.  (I can't
test it on Windows.)
The segfault occurs in this code:

class Font(Resource):
 def pygame_font(self,size):
    return pygame.font.Font(StringIO.StringIO(self.parts['font']),
size) # Segfaults here

self.parts['font'] is a string containing a truetype font loaded from
a file. I have checked that the string contains the file like it is
supposed too. Any suggestions?