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Re: [pygame] Tile Based games

Peter, Thanks a lot for the code, but it wasn't working so I changed it a
bit and now it is. I haven't seen how many fps I am getting but at least it
work now. I have changed some variables, so if you don't understand this
version send am e-mail to me that I can explain myself. How about comenting
this code and putting it in the code repository?

    def drawtiles(self, tela, posx, posy):
        telax, telay = tela.get_size()
        tilex, tiley = (16,16)
        offsetx, offsety = posx % tilex, posy % tiley
        startx, starty = posx / tilex , posy / tiley

        for y in range(telay / tiley + 2): # sometimes you need one more
tile (ie: 600/16=37.5) and it is screeny/tiley not the other way.
            mapy = y + starty
            pixely = (y - 1) * tiley - offsety #it is tiley - offsety not +
            for x in range(telax / tilex + 2):
                mapx = x + startx
                pixelx = (x - 1) * tilex - offsetx

                if (mapx >= self.mapdata.shape[0])or (mapx < 0) or (mapy >=
self.mapdata.shape[0])or(mapy < 0):
                    r = Rect(pixelx, pixely, tilex, tiley)
                    tela.fill((255, 0, 0), r)
                else: #inside of the map


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