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[pygame] ConvertSurface question....


First I must say that I have never programmed SDL in C before...

I was trying to implement a "get_rgba32_data" method to Surface, but I can't make SDL_ConvertSurface() work.. :/
I always get 80 7f 01 01 80 7f 01 01 etc if i fill() the surface first with values >0 first...
if i fill() with (0,0,0,0) I get:
80 7f 00 00 80 7f 00 00...
I guess the error must be in rgba_fmt?

Here is my code from surface.c:

static PyObject* surf_get_rgba32_data(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
        SDL_Surface* rgba_surf;
        SDL_PixelFormat rgba_fmt;

        rgba_fmt.palette = NULL;
        rgba_fmt.colorkey = 0;
        rgba_fmt.alpha = 0;
        rgba_fmt.BitsPerPixel = 32;
        rgba_fmt.BytesPerPixel = 4;
        rgba_fmt.Rmask = 0x11000000;  rgba_fmt.Rshift = 24; rgba_fmt.Rloss = 0;
        rgba_fmt.Gmask = 0x00110000;  rgba_fmt.Gshift = 16; rgba_fmt.Gloss = 0;
        rgba_fmt.Bmask = 0x00001100;  rgba_fmt.Bshift =  8; rgba_fmt.Bloss = 0;
        rgba_fmt.Amask = 0x00000011;  rgba_fmt.Ashift =  0; rgba_fmt.Aloss = 0;

        rgba_surf = SDL_ConvertSurface( PySurface_AsSurface(self),
                                        (SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_SRCALPHA) );

        if( rgba_surf->pixels )
                return Py_BuildValue( "s#", rgba_surf->pixels, rgba_surf->w*rgba_surf->h*4 );
                return NULL;

Please help me if you can!  I really need this for Freevo!

Per Wigren

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