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Re: [pygame] Saving Alpha Channels

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 11:59 PM, Patrick Mullen <saluk64007@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ian Mallet:
"Mallett" ;-)
> I'm running into random troubles with PyOpenGL transparency again, and the simplest solution is just to make the textures have
> transparency.  Normally, I would just add the transparency in an image editor, but unfortunately I have ~250 images.  My solution is
> programming!  I wrote a script which should convert all the images to be ~50% transparent:

Well, here is how you can fill a surface with alpha values in pygame:

import pygame
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([400,400])
img = pygame.Surface([400,400]).convert_alpha()
array = pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(img)
array[:,:] = 50
del array
Cool, this works.  Thank you.
surface.set_alpha does NOT fill the surface with alpha values, all it
does is tell the rendering system to mix the colors when it blits the
surface.  This is why it won't save those values.
But what trouble are you having with transparency in pyopengl?  If you
use glColor to set an alpha value, you should get the same effect.
And it will be more flexible too, such as allowing you to handle
things fading in etc.  Although I don't know what your problem space
is.  But if you are having issues such as objects that should be in
front displaying behind etc, I don't think making the textures have
alpha is going to fix the problem.  I think we should look at the
original problem instead of trying to work around it.
Naturally, that was my original ideology--simpler is better.  I look for causes of bugs, not workarounds.  Of course, in this case, the problem is more complex--the texture is to be mapped onto a surface which will be shadowed by at least three lights casting three separate shadows onto a single object via a total 9-pass shadowmapping algorithm.  Whew.  So much for simple...  It's actually not as weird as that sounds, and I'm sure it could be done in PyOpenGL, but in this case, I think the simpler solution is just to load the transparency in the transparency channel.  In short: the texture could be made transparent through PyOpenGL, but that makes it more complex...

So, thank you very much, everyone!
