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Re: [pygame] groups

Gonzalo Castro wrote:
HI! I'm practising with groups and I have problems. ;)
I have 2 clases, ball and killer... they are more or less the same,
and 3 objects: a 2 of class ball and the other of class killer. I
grouped both of 2 objects balls into a group called my_balls. I define
it like this:

global my_balls= pygame.sprite.Group(ball, second)

and at  some point of the game I do:


And this prints None. What Am I missing?

Thank you a lot. :)
group.has() is a membership test that takes at least one sprite as an argument. It tests if a one or more sprites are in a group. It it not for testing if any sprites are in a group. This is not documented, yet, but to check if a group is empty or not get its boolean value. An empty group evaluates to False.

print bool(my_balls)


if my_balls:
   print "has sprites"
   print "empty"

Lenard Lindstrom