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Re: [pygame] Shooting an image

You can use a sprite group as your bullet list container. [
http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/sprite.html#pygame.sprite.Group ] You
can use groups to iterate updates and drawing.

When space is pressed, check if conditions are right, and spawn. (
Does player have enough ammo, has weapon cooldown elapsed, etc )

psuedo code:

class Game():
    def __init__(self, width=1024, height=768):
        """initialize game stuff"""
        # ...

    def loop(self):
        """main game loop"""
        while not self.bDone:
            # update, and draw()

    def handle_events(self):
        """do regular events, and optionally pass copy to player"""
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            # if needed: copy events to player object
            self.player.handle_event( event )

            if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                # exit on 'escape'
                if (event.key == K_ESCAPE): self.bDone = True

                # fire bullet, with cooldown time
                elif event.key == K_SPACE:
                    if now - last_fired > player.cooldown:
                        bullet_spawn( player.loc )
