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Re: [pygame] a bit #ot: design for a game board supporting user facing different directions?

It is real-time. I don't want it as accurate as movement acceleration
for stepping, at least not yet, but I am not sure how I would manage a
map without a grid. How, for instance, will the computer know where
the player is in relation to objects? If the player fires a weapon,
how can the computer calculate if the projectile will hit a target?
Currently I am planning to manage targeting by getting the slope of
the line and the point of the player, then extending the line to the
weapon's range and seeing if it intersects a point on which there is
an object.
For my game creation I am using the Blastbay Game Toolkit, which is a
subset of C++ but written specifically for use with audio games and
run sort of as a scripting language through an interpreter. For
instance, there is a sound class, a tts class for speaking text,
sound_pool (sort of like a "world" that manages sound positioning
relative to the player), a timer, and so on. Sound_pool, which I
subclass for my Map class, relies on a grid to properly position
sounds, which is the other reason I am using grid-based positioning. I
can't imagine how it would work with no grid. Is there a way?

On 10/29/11, René Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> a few notes, and questions...
> Is your game turn based?  Or is it real time?
> If you don't have realistic 3d sound, then using a grid is probably easier
> for players.
> Instead of frame rate, think about it like the update rate of your main
> loop.
> Before the player takes a step they are standing.  When standing, speed is
> zero.  When stepping, the person gets some acceleration and moves.  Then
> they get some deceleration and stop.
> It's more complicated than that, but the more physically accurate you want
> it, then more complex your code will be.  If you're more interested in
> making the game, than a physics engine, you might want to consider looking
> at one of the physics engines available.
> Keeping the game movement to grids might make it easier to play as well as
> program.
> cheers,

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
mehgcap@xxxxxxxxx; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap