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Re: [pygame] High scores program

I think you wantedretcObj.center=(pos) not retcObj.center=(size)... im
not sure which part of our array is not correct but center needs an
x,y point not a single int/float so your rect might be invalid causing
that function to error out or something. Try printing the contents of
scoresList and see what its contents are. That should give more
insight into whats wrong.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Myles Broomes
<mylesbroomes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Iâm trying to code a âHigh Scores programâ, which simply accesses values
> from a separate file and then displays them on the screen. Hereâs my code:
> #high scores program
> #imports score values from a seperate file an prints them on the screen
> import pygame,sys,random
> from pygame import *
> pygame.init()
> WINWIDTH=640 #width of the window in pixels
> WINHEIGHT=420 #height of the window in pixels
> FPS=30 #frames per second
> #        r   g   b
> RED=  (255,  0,  0)
> BLACK=(  0,  0,  0)
> def get_text(pos,text,size,color):
>     """Returns a text surface and a rect object based on the parameters
> given to be displayed on the screen. """
>     BASICFONT=pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',size)
>     textSurf=BASICFONT.render(text,True,RED)
>     rectObj=textSurf.get_rect()
>     retcObj.center=(size)
>     return textSurf,rectObj
> def displayScores():
>     """Displays the high scores on the screen. """
>     #keep track of how many scores have been displayed on the screen
>     index=0
>     #add each line of the high scores file into a list
>     scores=[]
>     for line in scoresFile:
>         scores.append(line)
>     #a list containing all of the score surfaces and rect objects
>     scoresList=[]
>     while True:
>         DISPLAYSURF.fill(BLACK)
>         for event in pygame.event.get(): #event loop
>             if event.type==QUIT:
>                 pygame.quit()
>                 sys.exit()
>         for i in scores:
>             index+=1
> scoreSurf,scoreObj=get_text((WINWIDTH/2,(index*10)),'%s.:%s'%(index,i),15,RED)
>             scoresList.append([scoreSurf,scoreObj])
>         DISPLAYSURF.blit(scoresList[0][0],scoresList[0][1])
>         pygame.display.update()
>         FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS)
> while True: #main loop
>     DISPLAYSURF=pygame.display.set_mode((WINWIDTH,WINHEIGHT))
>     pygame.display.set_caption('High Scores!')
>     FPSCLOCK=pygame.time.Clock()
>     #randomly select a number between 1 and 100 to be added to the high
> scores
>     randomScore=random.randint(0,100)
>     #open the high scores file in read/ append mode
>     scoresFile=open('highScores.txt','a+')
>     displayScores()
>     scoresFile.close()
> Everytime I run the program I get an IndexError saying that when the line
> âDISPLAYSURF.blit(scoresList[0][0],scoresList[0][1])â runs, the list index
> is out of range. Can anyone help me? Iâm using Python 3.2.3.

Ryan Hope, M.S.
CogWorks Lab
Cognitive Science Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute