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[pygame] pygame 1.2 mini-announce

well, pygame 1.2 is here (or at least on the way). i've locked
the source and we're waiting until monday for the various 
platform binaries to trickle in. until then, there are a couple
versions to download if you're eager to get started.



for pygame-1.2, the new headline features would be
 - pygame.move module, for MPEG playback
 - added drawing primitives, like ellipse and polygon
 - python-1.5.2 compatability

ok, that's not a whole lot, but here's a more boring specific
list of all the changes since pygame-1.1 (way back on June 23rd)

 - set_mode() effects all existing displayed Surfaces
 - crashing bugfix in horizontal transform.flip()
 - image.tostring() can create an alpha from colorkeys
 - HUGE fixes for exit-time crashes
 - display.set_icon() sets the windowmanager icon for the window
 - Surface.convert() takes fancy args, like Surface() does
 - can use software Surfaces before calling pygame.init()
 - linewidths correct when drawing lines
 - default font works when running from a built .EXE
 - subsurfaces get correct alpha and colorkey settings
 - mixer.get_init() returns info on intialized frequency,format,etc
 - all event types can be event.post()ed
 - new support for embedding the pygame window
 - new VIDEOEXPOSE event
 - typo in pygame.cursor

whew, look at all those enhancements you get for free :]
now go forth and create games of wonder (or file browsers
of wonder, if that be your goal) !

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