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Re: [pygame] Asynchronous updates with OpenGL

Another interesting thing I've noticed is that even though my inner loop
can run much faster than the frame rate, pygame's (SDL's?) internal
processing seems to run at the frame rate. The state given by
pygame.key.get_pressed() only seems to change each frame, not on each call
to pygame.display.flip() or pygame.event.pump(). This results in the
program's thinking I have a key pressed for, say, 500ms when the frame rate
is 2 fps, even if I've only tapped the key.

Sean R. Lynch KG6CVV <seanl@chaosring.org>   http://www.chaosring.org/~seanl/
Jabber (www.jabber.org): kg6cvv@jabber.org   Yahoo: kg6cvv

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