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Re: [pygame] Question about .bmp files and transparency

Erlend Strømsvik wrote:

the original game you most likely uses 'addative' blending for the explosions. this sort of blending looks fantastic for smoke and fire effects, but it not at all supported by SDL.

since this 'add' blending just adds the two colors together, any black pixels have no effect on the other image. therefore no need for alpha.

and now for some Numeric wizardry lessons ;)

as for your code, using Numeric we can do this sort of thing without needing to loop "pixel by pixel" in python. here's something that should be similar and considerable faster (hopefully, an email type-in here). also note by using the "pixels" instead of "array" functions we are modifying the image 'in-place' and no longer need the blit_array function at the end

if needalpha == 1:
colors = surfarray.pixels3d(surface)
alphas = surfarray.pixels_alpha(surface)
r = colors[:,:,0]
g = colors[:,:,1]
b = colors[:,:,2]
alphas[:] = r | g | b

or, if you prefer the 'packed pixel' method, you can still do it all without a pixel by pixel loop.

if needalpha == 1:
masks = surface.get_masks()
shifts = surface.get_shifts()
losses = surface.get_losses()
pixels = surfarray.pixels2d(surface)

r = (pixels&masks[0]) >> shifts[0]
g = (pixels&masks[1]) >> shifts[1]
b = (pixels&masks[2]) >> shifts[2]
a = r | g | b

pixels |= a >> losses[3] << shifts[3]