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[pygame] stars.py using pygame (cvs) on python 2.3.1 on win98


when I run the stars.py demo I get this message:

DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float

and it runs slowly (K6-2 400Mhz). I traced it to :

file: stars.py
func: draw_stars
line: 46
	surface.set_at(pos, color)

which, sure enough, is passing the position as a pair of floats.

The same thing affects surface.get_at() and is generated by this code in 

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"(ii)O",&x,&y,&rgba_obj)
        return NULL;

My temporary bodge is to do this instead:

    PyObject *xo,*yo;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"(OO)O",&xo,&yo,&rgba_obj)
        return NULL;
    x = PyInt_AsLong(xo);
    y = PyInt_AsLong(yo);

which doesn't have proper error checking. 

Hope this helps a bit, but I would quite like to know what the best way of 
handling this is. Explicitly checking the type and handling it accordingly 
doesn't seem very Pythonic,
