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Re: [pygame] Pixel perfect collision detection sugestion

I so totally agree with you!

Only problem is that I never done any C-extensions for python before. (I do
hack C...but never done it for python)


> Hey,
> The reason why the numeric one will probably be faster is that it is
> all in C.  Python for loops are quite slow.  However if you were using
> psyco yours would be quite fast!
> We could translate the loop into C though, then it would be really quick
:)My vote is to use your code, but changed to do that loop in C,
> abstract the hitmask, and generate the HitMask in C without using
> numeric.
> Now a note onto why we should abstract your code a little more...
> There may be a faster way with bitsets or RLE encoding.  However those
> are a bit(HAR HAR) more complicated.  So if we make it a HitMask
> object, and have the functions use those, then we can implement the
> bitset/rle stuff later.
> Bitsets could compare up to 32 pixels at once with a SHIFT+AND, and
> RLE could do say 256 pixels at once if they were all empty/full
> pixels.  This would be quite useful for lots of images, or very large
> sparse images.
> So it's worth abstracting the HitMask a little more now, so that we
> can upgrade to those later if anyone feels like implementing them
> without people needed to change the api.
> def _pixelPerfectCollisionDetection(sp1,sp2):
>     """ Internal method used for pixel perfect collision
>          Returns 1 if the hitmasks collide.
>          Would probably replace this function call with just the line
> below where
>             _pixelPerfectCollisionDetection is used.
>     """
>     return sp1.hitmask.collide(sp1.rect, sp2.hitmask,  sp2.rect)
> # Here is an unfinished HitMask object which will be generated by C
code...class HitMask:
>     # generated via a C function rather than array_colorkey.
>     #   very similar to:
>     #     pygame.surfarray.array_colorkey() or
>     #  except don't use numeric.
>     #TODO: have to make sure that integers are 32 bits.  otherwise, treat
>     #  differently.  Perhaps use SDL functions/constants for this.
>     #bitset = array.array('L',range(int(math.ceil(numpixels / 32.))))
>     #eight_bits_per_pixel = array.array('B',range(numpixels))
>     #rle_encoded = Surface((h,w), 8, RLEACCEL)
>     def collide(self, rect1, other_hitmask, rect2):
>         """ returns True if collision.
>                NOTE: this will be done in C.
>         """
>         # if they are aligned we can use bitsets... if not... RLE.
>         #   otherwise we use the normal one.
>         # note: could also use the numeric collision detection code one in
>         hm1 = self.eight_bits_per_pixel
>         hm2 = other_hitmask.eight_bits_per_pixel
>         intersect_rect  = rect1.clip(rect2)
>         x1 = intersect_rect.x-rect1.x
>         y1 = intersect_rect.y-rect1.y
>         x2 = intersect_rect.x-rect2.x
>         y2 = intersect_rect.y-rect2.y
>         for r in range(0,rect.height):
>             for c in range(0,rect.width):
>                 if hm1[c+x1][r+y1] & hm2[c+x2][r+y2]:
>                     return 1
>         return 1
> On 9/9/05, John Eriksson <john@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > BTW...even if you do have large images with large areas of
intersection you
> > probably still would find a hit within the first row wouldn't you?
Then the
> > nested loop wouldn't cost that much after all.
> >
> > Best Regards
> > /John
> >
> > >
> > > hmm, time flies... but seriously, you're already using Numeric
> > > and if you replaced just the part with the nested Python loops
with a
> > > Numeric function, it would probably be much faster, especially
if you
> > > ever have large images with large areas of intersection.
> > >
> >
> >