I'm just about to give up on smooth scrolling with
pygame. I tried many different ways but getting jerky motions no matter
what I do.
The code is below and it simply blits the pic on a
screen and flips the screen when the vsync backtrace is up. Then it
repeats. In my assumption it should be smooth, but it is not :(
Any helping hand ?
Thanks a lot,
WinXP, P4-1.8
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import pygame
pygame.init() screen= pygame.display.set_mode( (800,600),
pygame.DOUBLEBUF|pygame.HWSURFACE, 32 )
i= 0
f= pygame.font.Font( 'data/arialn.ttf', 80 ) s= f.render( 'Scrolling', 1, (0xff,0xee,0x00) ) surf= pygame.Surface( s.get_size(), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32 ) surf.blit( s, (0,0) ) screen.fill( (255,255,255) ) pygame.display.update() while i< 800: screen.fill( (255,255,255), (0,200,800,surf.get_height()) ) screen.blit( surf, ( i, 200 ) ) pygame.display.flip() pygame.event.poll() i+= 1 pygame.quit()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------