I think you'll find this very useful: http://www.scriptedfun.com/video-tutorial-2-using-sprite-sheets-and-drawing-the-background/On 9/11/07, Lamonte Harris < pyth0nc0d3r@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I want to know how to actually seperate the image, would I create a rect off the sprite sheet in a certain area of the spritesheetOn 9/11/07, James Hancock <jlhancock@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:do you mean to make a sprite sheet? what do you mean by 'sprite sheet and pygame'?On 9/11/07, Lamonte Harris < pyth0nc0d3r@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I said spritesheet for example theres one image that contains all your character's pieces or just different versions of your character.On 9/11/07, Rikard Bosnjakovic <rikard.bosnjakovic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:On 11/09/2007, Lamonte Harris <pyth0nc0d3r@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I don't know how I could/would do it. I'm going to do some more google
> searching.
- Rikard - http://bos.hack.org/cv/
Giuliano Vilela.