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Re: [pygame] Pausing a function


Interesting idea about using yield, but how is performance?

I think Samuel was looking for something like here: http://dr0id.homepage.bluewin.ch/pygame_tutorial04.html#time_based

If I understand you right, you want to pause one single animation, not a single function. If you wan to pause a single function then the use of yield might be a solution. But for pausing an animation you could do:

class Anim():

   def update(self):
        if self.running:
               # do what it has to do

If self.running if False then it just will jump over this function doing nothing.


Michael George schrieb:
You might be able to restructure your code a little less if you use generators to simulate coroutines. For example:

def anim1():
   for frame in frames:
      self.image = frame

def anim2():
   for i in range(10):
      self.rect.move_ip(0, 10)

anims = [anim1(), anim2()]

while playing:
   # handle events
   for a in anims:
   # update screen

I haven't actually used this technique in pygame so I don't know if it's actually helpful here, but I think it's kind of a cool way of simulating threads without threads. Anyone else have experience with designing code this way?


Casey Duncan wrote:
You will need a loop that continuously calls methods to update, draw and refresh the screen. At the top of the loop you could check for events to see if you need to do anything. Basically something like:

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while playing:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
    sprites.update() # update all sprites, including ambient animation
    dirty = sprites.draw(screen)
pygame.display.flip() # May not be necessary depending on display config
    clock.tick(40) # Limit to 40 fps (set this to whatever you like)

You can also be kinder to the system by inserting a short time.sleep() in there, but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader ;)


On Sep 21, 2007, at 11:19 AM, Samuel Mankins wrote:

Is there a way to pause one function, but to keep all the others going? I'm building a 2D RPG, and my current animation function uses pygame.time.wait(), which is good, but means I can't have "ambient" animations (Things that move around randomly, like plants waving in the wind), and I can only have on going at a time. Does anyone know a way around this?
