Thanks :-) I actually already converted my font to a shapestrip, and I got it working fine now :-)
However pygame SHOULD have a function to invert colors on images. like image.invert()
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Nicholas Dudfield
<ndudfield@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The new Color class may have invert but I don't recall.
Well the rgb inverted algorithm is essentially 255 - color
new_red = 255 - old_red
new_green = 255 - old_green
new_blue = 255 - old_blue
So a subtractive blend mode blit may do the trick:
inverted.blit(letters, (0,0), None, BLEND_RGB_SUB)
This might work, haven't tested it though...
I'm working on a game, and I made a bitmap font for it. This was quite silly of me; I made each letter a 16x16 image. Well, now I need the letters to invert colors. I was wondering if there's a way to do this in pygame, or if I have to go through all those images (around 40) and make a shapestrip or something?
- pymike (
- pymike (