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[school-core] Re: Software Categories for Schoolforge.net

Here's a preliminary categories list.  Hopefully, we can discuss it and modify it further for ease of use in finding the right software.

Arts (Should this be combined with Multimedia or should we have two categories?)
Language Arts
Physical Education & Health
Social Studies
Compilations and Collections
Educational Games
Office Software Publishing Tools
School Management Systems/Student Information Systems (Is there any overlap in these or should they stay separate?)
Learning Management and Course Management (Again, is there any overlap with the previous two categories or is the software sufficiently separate in functionality?)
Computer Administration Tools  (We need a good definition of what falls into this category.  So far, it's just be anything utility or tool oriented.)
Utilities (If we want to separate client from admin, how about adding utilities and merging antivirus spyware protection into it?)
Education Resources (This ended up being a catch-all for things that didn't fit other categories.  Is that what we want or did we want this more for online resources or something else?)

Justin wrote:
>Laura, when we have the new categories, are you going to go through
>and place some of the contents into their new containers?

That was the plan.  That's why I was kind of hoping we would get a few more volunteers.  It can be a lot to maintain and will be even more of a job as we add more and more applications.
Since we don't have a lot of other volunteers at this point, I've just been trying to go through a few a day.  Some of the tags need to updated for completeness and easier search too.
