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Re: [school-discuss] grade book project
To everybody but Mike:
My personal thanks to Mike -- he is donating time, equipment,
valuable services to my school to get us set up with Project
Gutenberg and
his company's audio book project. He's really putting his money
where his
mouth is!
To Mike:
A suggestion about www.engima.com - since the complete audio
book for
Time Machine or War of the Worlds is in the multiple megabyte range,
it's a
slow download via modem. Could you also make available just one
chapter as a
fast-downloading demo?
Dave Prentice
-----Original Message-----
From: mikee <meschman@engima.com>
To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net
<schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net>; seul-edu@seul.org
<seul-edu@seul.org>; Chris Puttick <chris@centralmanclc.com>;
matt@bluelinux.org <matt@bluelinux.org>
Date: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 7:24 AM
Subject: [school-discuss] grade book project
>i created a new folder for "grade book project" and am dumping all
>from the list to it (that concern gradebook). each monday, i'll
>the abstract of ALL requests/specs in the folder to the list,
hoping the
>will make sure i don't inadvertently drop something. i will also
>impose order on the abstract, hoping my mistakes in doing so will
be noted
>the list.
>over this weekend, i am finishing a guide for a student crew (high
>age) to edit gutenberg texts for audio production as audio cds and
>why isn't that good enough for blue linux :-)
>has anyone tried out time machine / war of worlds at
>does it absloutely stink ?
>am i (are we) the only people in the world that think this is neat
>after pinocchio, we're doing the south pole journals, so hands off
that one
>(i.e. please help us do audio books of entire gutenberg).
>i'm going to learn about blue linux now. (because i LIKE blue).
>just a note - jazzfest is coming up (here in the big easy) and we
are doing
>number of streaming broadcast, working with wwoz the non-profit
>here. i hope one day k-12 concerts and student plays will be
>this way. i think you could burn cds of the concerts/plays and
raise money
>for the school. i also think lecture materials might be done this
>we have been doing streaming broadcasts for about two years - it
>does that idea stink ? not that we'd stop - too high on the fun
quotient to
>give up.
>you guys are fun.
>mike eschman, etc...