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[school-discuss] Thrid and Final Look at the FCL
Okay everyone. We're extremely close to finishing the Free Curricula
License! We'll allow _one_week_ for you all to look it over and ask
_any_ questions or give _any_ comments about it.
You can find it here: http://www.osef.org/FCL.html
We'd like to thank all of the people who have contributed to it thus far
and those that will partake in this final draft.
Changes since the last release:
Fixed the definition of "Modified Version" (it was viral)
Some small trivial sentence and word use problems
Chris Hornbaker (OpenSchooling http://www.openschooling.org)
Charley Quinton (OzoneFarm http://www.ozonefarm.org)
Justin Zeigler (GOVIA http://www.osef.org/govia.html)