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Re: [school-discuss] Name change and Name Ideas needed
On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 06:02, William Abernathy wrote:
> Matt Jezorek wrote:
> > I also can not afford to protect the name. Back when I first
started to
> > Blue Linux i tried to register bluelinux.org, bluelinux.com, and
> > bluelinux.net. However I was only able to get .org. I have tried
> > daily to grab the other domains as they expire. I lost at this
> > BlueLinux.com was snatched up in January by a company called CPi
> > they own http://www.urlcollector.com/. I tried to make an offer
to buy the
> > domain at what I feel is a fair price. I was denied and told
that I had to
> > purchase it for $650 dollars US. I can not afford this. In the
> > they told me they where going to complete the sale to a company
in Tokyo
> > for $500.00 US. I can not compete I dont have the budget. Now it
> > that if I owned a trademark on Blue Linux I could then chase
down and get
> > the domain of course they said the only way I could get it with
> > trademark from them is for them to charge me a "Surrender Fee"
of 562.00
> > US. Here is where I can not protect the name. Why would a
company in Tokyo
> > buy "bluelinux.com" unless they where intending on providing
> > software/services or a product under the Blue Linux name.
> Perhaps you should talk directly to the people in Japan before
leaping to any
> conclusions. Domain name traders are scum. If they told me my
pants were on
> fire, I'd wait for a second opinion. For all you know, they
fabricated the
> Japanese angle from whole cloth. And the Japanese, if they do
exist, may be
> willing to share, or take a .biz domain.
> While I could
> > stop a trademark with the prior art clause. I can not stop them
from using
> > the domain name to release a product either competing with me or
> > me or however you want to say it. I dont mind competition but I
dont want
> > competition because of a .org or .com typo. So we feel it would
> > be best to change names.
> Don't get so worked up. Unless and until you've confirmed the
Japanese angle,
> you don't even know whether or not there will be any confusion
over your domain
> name. These squatters may well be playing games. Don't fold before
you have a
> chance to see them blink.
quite. afaik, if you own a company that trades under a certain name,
someone else attempts to take your domain name (whether or not they
intend to sell similar or dissimilar products) you can have the
domainname re-appropriated as they are effectively attempting to use
your trademark. Is BLue Linux a limited company or US equivalent? Im
sure thats the status under UK law; and the ACPA act you mention on
site seems to fulfill the same role. Maybe its worth seeing if you
acquire a trademark - normally a bureaucratic rather than expenive
action. then they would have to cede the domain on a legal basis.
this is kinda coming off the top of my head, but i had a look into
for a friend and i think the law is there. I mean, i tried to get
muppet.org, and its reserved - look at the whois - even though
theres no
site or anything.
worth looking into. either way i'll rack my brain for new names
anyway..:-)) good luck! mike
> --William
Michael Parker ----- AstariX Alternative Solutions
Linux and open source solutions -- servers - desktop - security