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Re: [OS:N:] for all those... / [school-discuss] From Microsoft: A Guide to Accepting Donated Computers for Your School
> On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 12:44, Lincoln Peters wrote:
> > Unfortunately, there are a few exceptions. I can't say that I've ever
> > gotten KWord or AbiWord to open a Microsoft Word document, but I can use
> > HTML or RTF as interim formats. StarOffice does a better job, but it's
> > so bloated that it takes about 30 seconds to load on my Athlon/1GHz with
> > 512MB RAM!
On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 11:48:16AM -0400, Jeffrey Elkner wrote:
> While there are not yet any open source solutions to the M$ Office
> compatibility problem, there is a Linux solution.
Open Office is open sourced and is a subset Star Office. (I think its
missing the Adabas database app - no loss for me, I prefer PostgreSQL or MySQL anyway)
There is also the recently announced CodeWeavers Office Crossover product which
lets you use MS Office on Linux. That might be useful if you have a site license
for MS Office. However, how long do you expect it to take to see MS change their
site license terms for MS Office to the effect of requireing a MS OS license for
each Office license.
-- alan
Alan Chen
Digikata LLC