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Re: [school-discuss] SOT Office
SOT is a finnish Linux-house. I see SOT Office as an OpenOffice bugfix
release with finnish flavour dedicated to the finnish markets. It contains a
finnish proof reader, a finnish manual and support. I see this as a possible
step for one of the biggest cities in Finland, Turku, to start adapting Linux
and Open Source in their governmental systems as they have planned already.
Teemu Arina
> I could not test it. It breaks because of the same reason why openoffice
> and staroffice 6.0 break on my system (something with libc). So far I
> can only say that there is not much difference visible yet ;) There are
> some screenshots on the project page. They actually look same like
> openoffice. As far as I understood, SOT office is openoffice with little
> feature enhancement and bug fixing--but not more. It will only be a
> concurrent to staroffice in that the company offers support. That
> support is not free, at least not to non-Bestlinux users. Bestlinux is
> the linux distribution of that company. But patches etc. may arise under
> the GPL. So, if you are fine with openoffice then there is no reason to
> switch. If you seek for a free staroffice then this is at least a
> cheaper offer with open community working on the code.