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[school-discuss] RE: [seul-edu] Software selection for ISO--volunteers needed!
Do you know where we can find the curriculum? I am interested in
viewing this if there is a list or site
On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Chris Puttick wrote:
> Is this ISO going to be targetted at (a) one country and/or (b) particular
> age ranges? In the UK (for example) there is a national curriculum, which
> means apps need to be located in that framework to be of use to the UK. What
> I'm trying to say, (and communication is not going well this week :-) ) is
> that the needs of UK schools in terms of curriculum software have to be
> addressed by placing applications by relevance (e.g. Maths Key Stage 2-4).
> Is that worthconsidering for other countries too?
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Loss
> To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net; seul-edu@seul.org
> Sent: 4/26/02 4:48 PM
> Subject: [seul-edu] Software selection for ISO--volunteers needed!
> Jason Neiffer, Daniel Carter, Mark Schmitt, and Jeff (no last name
> given :-) ) have agreed to evaluate software in the SEUL/edu
> Educational Applications Index to find candidates for inclusion in
> the ISO we're planning to develop. That's a start, but we need
> others to help! Let's hear from you!
> Jason, since you teach Social Studies and Speech, could you check
> out the Social Studies (4 entries) category? You might also look at
> the Geography (6 entries) category, although that looks like it has
> programs that would mostly be useful at an upper grade level. I see
> you also teach Speech. The Language category has 62 entries and is
> ripe for dividing into multiple categories, as it includes
> dictionaries, foreign language tutors, spelling programs, etc. The
> Reading category (13 entries) is perhaps a category you could
> evaluate (do you teach at the elementary level, or higher?). If you
> want to look at Language, try to divide the category into smaller
> subcategories and let us know what they are and which entries are in
> each, then pick one to evaluate. We'll try to get others to look at
> the other subcategories.
> Mark, since you're a high school math teacher, could you look at the
> Math (43 entries) category? If you could suggest appropriate
> subcategories as mentioned above, that would be useful too.
> Jeff, you don't say what you teach. What category or categories
> would meet you areas of expertise?
> Daniel, you say you're not a teacher. Do you have any teacher
> friends you could enlist to help select potential candidates for
> inclusion in the ISO?
> Folks, we need people to go through all the categories. Some of
> them are pretty large and should probably be divided into multiple
> smaller, more precise categories. You can help us by suggesting
> appropriate subdivisions, too. I'll list the categories and the
> number of entries in each here, and I hope more of us will come
> forward to say, "I'll go through that category for you." Also,
> there's no reason why more than one person couldn't look through the
> same category. Let's hear from you!
> * Administrative(54)
> * Astronomy(20)
> * Courseware(19)
> * Edugames(23)
> * Geography(6)
> * Graphics(4)
> * Intranet(28)
> * Language(62)
> * Library(11)
> * Math(43)
> * Multimedia(3)
> * Music(7)
> * Other(1)
> * Presentation(8)
> * Programming(19)
> * Quiz(15)
> * Reading(13)
> * Religious(6)
> * Research(11)
> * Science(31)
> * SocialStudies(4)
> * Typing(12)
> * Utility(14)
> --
> Doug Loss All I want is a warm bed
> Data Network Coordinator and a kind word and
> Bloomsburg University unlimited power.
> dloss@bloomu.edu Ashleigh Brilliant