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Re: [school-discuss] LTSP First Time
On Tuesday 13 April 2004 3:34 pm, daniel.hunt@iibbank.ie wrote:
> Hey there everyone,
> this is my first time on this list so go easy eh? :o)
> I'm basically trying to 'gently push' the school towards linux - as the
> LTSP (ltsp.org) project will make _everything_ alot easier to do :) the
> only problem is the fact that they need a new server! (Microsoft licensing
> fees are RIDICULOUS!)
> I'm opting for a dual xeon box with 2x gig lan connected to a 100LAN
> network ... theres two labs, each on their own subnet, so thats why i'm
> going to use two server lan cards.
> I've been quoted for roughly 3500Euro (down from retail price of 6500E)
> from Dell.
> One thing that I am concerned about is that the computers teacher doesnt
> mind the pupils playing network
> games (such as AvP (Aliens versus Predator) or Quake etc ...) - I know in
> linux you can still play some FPS
> games, but with LTSP I can see this being a problem! :) Has anyone got any
> comments on this?
Why not look at dual Athlon MP SCSI 320 H/D, 2Gb Ram, Gig NIC for around £1000
so buy two and let the kids play games!
ps are you in England?