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Re: [school-discuss] simputers
Phil Torrance III wrote:
--- Yishay Mor <yishaym@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
And #3 - its all open source :-)
for me,
opensrc is about having the freedom to make software act the way I want it to;
so, if a platform like mi$ win/ce allows me to do programming for the platform, then I figure let the leeches control my operating system, because if all the applications are opensource, and all of them are running on a virtual (java-like) machine to provide the security that ce lacks, then I may not have a greased gaming machine, but I do have a useable educational tool !
I can accept that, but:
a. The Simputer is more than a PDA.
b. It's open source all the way down to the wires. i.e., the hardware
design is OS.
c. By buying it you support small 3rd world producers. By buying a WinCE
PDA, you support exploitive western corporations. But then, that's
In the end, its whatever gets you through the night. Any way you can
find to provide high-quality, low-price and user-controlable educational
technology will get my "Kosher" stamp.
- Yishay
Yishay Mor
y.mor@ioe.ac.uk Ph +44(0)20 7612 6963 F +44(0)20 7612 6964
AIM,Yahoo: yishaym; Jabber: yishaym@jabber.org; ICQ: 179772099
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