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[school-discuss] workshop at Didamatica
[I had to remove an attached PDF file from Paolo's message; it was too
large to go through our mailing list settings. Paolo, could you send a
link to the PDF? Thanks! (Doug Loss)]
"Open source Contents and Technologies"
The workshop aims at a deepened understanding of open source
by addressing expectations from scholars and teachers,
as producers and users of digital contents.
The workshop will be held at the Didamatica congress :
(The partecipation fee is 70 E)
Official languages are english and italian
More info here: http://linfe.it/events/opencontent-11may2004
Here enclosed
- The extended 'open source' definition, provided to
the invited speakers, instrumental in stimulating contributions.
Your commets to improveit will be welcome.
- The programme
Paolo Pumilia
AICA OpenSource Working Group coordinator
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Open Source
A more extensive definition
The essential features of the open source phenomenon are summarized by
peculiar collaborative ways, established within a freely accessible
digital infrastructure, aimed at assembling and delivering 'knowledge
Such methodologies, that have firstly proved to be successful in
specialized fields of software production, are based on the belief that
knowledge cannot be considered as exclusive property of those who made
the discover and that inventors will benefit, in terms of feedback from
peers and on the financial side as well, by spreading out the attained
results, under the least restrictions as possible, while exploiting the
international law to preserve authorship.
The economical implications, in short, are that the exchange value of
the traded knowledge objects boils down to production and distribution
costs of the physical supports, which are vanishingly small in the
digital environment, while demand for professional services can be
greatly enhanced.
Several production areas can be affected by the open source
methodologies:. The workshop will deal with the following:
* technological production
* Users gain control over technological development. They are allowed
to freely form alliance come to an agreement with professionals to
adapt, customize and improve purchased products.
* Businesses compete on a more equal (non monopolistic) ground and
exploit more efficient development methodologies, across company and
national borders.
* education
* People have access to the most advanced knowledge a no cost; more
remarkably, grasping is made easier by modularity of knowledge objects
and free cross linking through the web resources.
* People with teaching attitudes are encouraged to produce educational
materials, while exploitation of knowledge already packaged by others
is unrestricted; professional abilities are valued and collaboration
across institutional borders is fostered.
* scientific research
* Researchers are allowed to easily access results, analyse data and
establish correlations through a wide variety of sources without
* Evaluation of scientific contributions by properly taking
the number of accesses throught the web into account can be as
authoritative as the opinion of institutional commitees.
* Cross-disciplinary communication is ehnanced
Paolo Pumilia
Didamatica - Ferrara Univ. 2004
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Open source contents and technologies
Workshop - Didamatica 2004
Ferrara University - May 11
AICA OpenSource working group
Open source contents 9:00 - 11:15
* Towards an extensive understanding of open source
Paolo Pumilia
AICA OpenSource working group
* Copyright and open contents
Marco Ciurcina
Creative Commons Europe
* Open contents in education - from shared authoring to
shared use
Teemu Leinonen - Media Lab, Learning Environments
research group - University of Art and Design -
* Open Source Content: The School Network's Perspective
Riina Vuorikari
Research Analyst - European Schoolnet
* Open Source: the Goals, the Tools, and the Culture
Paul G. Mezey
Secretary General, CODATA (ICSU/UNESCO) /
International Council for Science - Committee for
Data in Science and Technology CODATA
Open source technologies 14:30 - 16:15
* Open technologies for e-Learning
F. Kaderali
FernUniversität FG Kommunikationssysteme - Hagen
* Open contents for democratic open societies
Bill Yotive
Global School Networks Alliance
Project Manager Global Teaching and Learning
Project - United Nations Headquarters, New York
* ICTs in Education - UNESCO Vision and Activities
Tarek G. Shawki
CI Regional Advisor for Arab States UNESCO Cairo Office
* Open Source goes education - do the educators and
trainers follow?
Juergen van Capelle
ESTA Training Institute - collaboration and
transnational educational and vocational training projects.