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Re: [school-discuss] Open Source grade book programs
- To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Open Source grade book programs
- From: "Les R" <openadmin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 20:51:49 -0600
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Hi John,
My school admin software has a gradebook which has been in use a long
while and is simple in design and based on only 2 tables
(fundamentally). It has multigroup weighting, custom sort order,
several reports for student or classes, merging functionality, search
by grade and average, export to CSV, and I'm considering adding
imports from CMS systems, if there is any interest.
The teacher demo site (version 3.00) is here:
Log in as: richl (last letter is L). Same for the password.
Then click on Gradebook.
Les Richardson
Open Admin for Schools
On 07/04/2008, John Mitchell <jmitchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I'm presently working with the ZenEdu team with the development of its next
> release. We were hoping that we could include a FLOSS grade book software
> and have tried GradeL but it's not working out presently. Anyone have
> experience or know of another FLOSS grade book program out there? Please let
> me know.
> Thanks,
> John Mitchell