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For those of you looking for free end-user training materials to help
you out with your Linux migrations or clients.
Dr Nah and Colin Charles have created excellent materials, published by
IOSN. They're all released under the Creative Commons Attribution
license, so you are free to copy, publish and modify them as long as you
credit the original authors/copyright holders.
There are a few other free high quality training materials also, and you
can find a list of them here:
Khairil Yusof
IOSN IT Consultant, UNDP-APDIP, Malaysia
DID: +603 2091 5183 Fax: +603 2093 9740
International Open Source Network: http://www.iosn.net
UNDP Asia Pacific Development Information Programme
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with "unsubscribe ossig" in the body of the message
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