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[school-discuss] Quad-Core, Vista, &c
James P. Kinney III wrote:
>Yes, a quad core is a nice thing :) A simple Fedora or
>Ubuntu disk can exorcise that vista virus off the drive.
At the moment, my father-in-law is not prepared to dump
Microsoft completely. I have some liveCDs ready to try
out on his new monster PC when we get to it; we'll see
how they run & how impressed he is. I'm especially
interested in finding out what Damn Small Linux can do
with this hardware: a distro designed for a 486 being
run on a quad-core? Truly blinding speed, perhaps?
>Of course quad core with 3 GB RAM is about the
>minimum needed to have a Vista box run as fast as
>a 5 year old W2K machine :) (or a 10 year old Mac!)
James is stretching facts, of course, but not nearly
as much as I would like. I helped my father-in-law set
up this new PC, and I noticed how much some functions
really dragged. Good old MS--after all these years, we
can still depend on Bill Gates & company to charge
insane amounts of money for a pain-in-the-behind OS.
Speaking of Vista. . . . Anyone who hasn't already
seen the following dissection of Microsoft's latest
atrocity should check out the article:
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