Yes, I am quite excited about getting educational graduate students
more aware and involved. At UHM department of educational
technology, we are starting a certificate in Technology Management
(will be available online) for which the Free/Open-Source Software
in Education class will be foundational.
I am appreciating everyone's willingness to collaborate. DCDC will
be providing a Drupal theme based on these mockups, plus some
requested mail list buttons, shortly - hopefully next week.
On 08/04/2013 03:38 AM, David M.
Bucknell wrote:
Good point, Bill.
It sounds as if Paul's team is finishing up; we'll have to put
responsive design into the next stage -- obviously important.
However, the next phase Paul will work on is very exciting for as he is going to assign his students to do
reviews of the software listed -- a crucial, but until now,
missing piece for the Web site. I hope you and the other
schoolforgers agree that we're very lucky to have this help.
Best wishes,
----- Message from Bill Fitzgerald <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 06:33:51 -0700
From: Bill Fitzgerald <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Updated Mockups
To: schoolforge-discuss <schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
These are a solid - and very implementable - set
of mockups.
Are there any plans/thoughts on making the site
----- End message from Bill Fitzgerald <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
David M. Bucknell
cell: 084 329 1183
messages: 02 693 8244
91 Sutthisan, Dindaeng, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
Sustainable Learning Technologies