Dear Paul,
Congratulations on getting this off and running. What a wonderful contribution to the free/open source for education community!
Best wishes,
----- Message from Paul McKimmy <paul.mckimmy@xxxxxxxxx> ---------
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 13:24:36 -1000
From: Paul McKimmy <paul.mckimmy@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [school-discuss] Graduate Course on F/OSS in Education
To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aloha, schoolforgers -
On 8/26 I will be kicking off a class on Free and Open-Source software in Education. The course is offered through University of Hawaii-Manoa, and is available entirely online (though local students can attend in person for synchronous sessions). This is a first draft of the online course, but I welcome feedback and suggestions. The course content site is here:
The public is invited to two guest presentations
Both will be live Hangouts-on-Air at 6PM Hawaii Standard Time, recordings will be available on Youtube afterward.
Anyone can register for credit at UHM Outreach College, but if anyone really wants to participate without registering (and without UHM credit), let me know. Discussions, blogs, tests, and other activities are held in UHM's course management site, Laulima (a Sakai implementation), which is referenced throughout.
----- End message from Paul McKimmy <paul.mckimmy@xxxxxxxxx> -----
David M. Bucknell
cell: 084 329 1183
messages: 02 693 8244
91 Sutthisan, Dindaeng, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
Sustainable Learning Technologies