STOP sending me emails please, I will much appreciate it
On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Bill Kendrick <nbs@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all, I'm Bill, lead developer (in snooze mode ATM),
website maintainer, and main 'support' contact for Tux Paint,
the open source drawing program for young kids
In the past month or two, I've had at least two teachers,
and one person from an "internet safety" company, ask about
Tux Paint in regards to privacy, user-identifiable information,
etc. (I don't think in the previous 12 years I had ever been
asked; I guess some laws changed in the US this year?)
As Tux Paint is a completely offline program, with no network
capabilities at this time -- at least in the Desktop version
(other Tux Paint devs, remind me: what do the Android and iOS
versions do, if anything, online?) -- and as the
website does not have any kind of user accounting (login, forums,
cloud storage, etc.), this has never seemed necessary. [*]
However, it seems that, at the very least, it'd be helpful for ME to
have a "privacy policy" page on our site that I can direct teachers
and school IT folks to, rather than have to reply individually each
time... or worse yet, fill-out/sign/scan/email strange government
forms that ask questions that are almost entirely moot. :)
Does anyone out here have experience putting a privacy policy
together, a link you can throw me to some 'best practices',
or other relevant guidance?
Thanks in advance!
[*] There are these mailing lists, managed by,
the IRC channel, which lives on FreeNode, and the
Facebook Group and Page, which live on Facebook -- and
all of which I currently manage.
They are outside the scope of Tux Paint itself, but I suppose on
whatever 'privacy policy' page/document that I come up with, it'd
make sense to (at the least) link to each service's relevant
privacy policy page.
Note: Sending this to tuxpaint's dev list, SchoolForge discussion list,
and Software in the Public Interest's general discussion list.
Sent from my computer
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