On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 5:26 PM, David Bucknell <david.bucknell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is from 2012. The author writes persuasively about giving the ipad a
> try as a means of promoting free / open source alternatives -- despite its
> proprietary nature -- because of the number of people using it.
> Five years later, the same problem exists and is getting worse. What's to
> be done?
> Comments?
Finally purchased a tablet. I made sure to buy an Android device
instead of an Apple one because of the two, the Android is more open.
I think consumers need to vote for one they want with their purchases.
I am noticing more and more people with no computers and just phones
or tablets. Was wondering how one of them ran a business if they
couldn't run any serious business software (just what was on their
FOSS programs are available for Androids:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open-source_ Android_applications
There's also a GNU project to create a fully free Android operating system:
I've been thinking a lot lately about trying to port various Open
Source programs to Android. However, documentation on the NDK and how
to create Android packages seems pretty poor. Maybe the GNU project
or some FOSS documentation project or some other FOSS group would like
to tackle the problem of providing better information on ways to
build, port and package Free Android applications using Free tools.
Would love to discuss porting issues further, but don't know of anyone
to discuss this with. If anyone has recommendations, let me know.
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