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[school-discuss] EUROPA - IDA Interchange of Data between Administrations

European commission guidelines for open source migration.

"The IDA Open Source Migration Guidelines provide practical and detailed recommendations on how to migrate to Open Source Software (OSS)-based office applications, calendaring, e-mail and other standard applications. "

Looks usefull, both for evangelizing and for practical tips. Has a "cookbook" and a cost calculator.

http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ida/jsps/index.jsp?fuseAction=showDocument&parent=news&documentID=1647 <http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ida/jsps/index.jsp?fuseAction=showDocument&parent=news&documentID=1647>

Also, links to the "Open source observatory", which has case strudies and other resources:


Yishay Mor
y.mor@ioe.ac.uk Ph +44(0)20 7612 6963 F +44(0)20 7612 6964 AIM,Yahoo: yishaym; Jabber: yishaym@jabber.org; ICQ: 179772099
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