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[school-discuss] [IIEP] Site@School, CMSs for primary schools...
Site@School is a Content Management System (CMS) to manage and maintain
the website of a primary school. It is Open Source Software, licensed
under the General Public license.
Site@school main features are:
* Manage a website without technical knowledge.
* Editors with a high "Word processor look and feel" rate.
* Pupils/teachers can have personal pages on the website. Teachers
can check pupil pages before publication.
* An intrAnet for teachers (not accessible by the public).
* E-mail alerts can be sent to admins when pages are
* Comprehensive manual with over 300 screenshots.
* Extensive number of available modules, see Available Modules
* Possible to create your own template see downloadable
* and much, much more..
Frederick 'FN' Noronha | Yahoomssngr/Skype: fredericknoronha
Saligao, Goa, India | fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Independent Journalist | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436