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Re: [school-discuss] Success Stories in ICT
--- JTD <johndenny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> exceptional ideas...
> how about setting up a wiki on success stories? there are currently various
> awards given in ICT-educaiton... Stockholm Challenge, UNESCO, UNDP
> etc... might be a good idea to list such awards and encourage real
> success be granted awards rather than such awards going to a narrow spectrum
> of applicants..
I'm not engaged with any such organisations and I have no intention of going
there if I can avoid it. I've been lobbying (pretty unsuccessfully) on some
standardisation issues recently (anyone following OOXML?) and I'm nauseated by
the circular politics and back-room maneuvring of NGOs.
I heard once that some native american tribal councils consider the effects on
the tribe seven generations hence when bringing down a decision. We could do
with some of that foresight and wisdom today.
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