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[school-discuss] Re: Open Admin for Schools - On VirtualBox - at Source Forge
URL fix: (forgot the v)
On 18 February 2010 14:24, Les R <openadmin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Forgers! (err.... School Forgers!)
> I have a version of Open Admin for Schools 4.5 running on VirtualBox.
> This will allow anyone using Windows and other O/S's
> to be able to run Open Admin fairly easily. We don't have any
> instructions yet for the Virtual Box setup although these should be
> available shortly.
> We are working on additional configuration scripts to make it even
> easier to setup.
> It is available on Source Forge at:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/openadmin4vbox
> Root password is 'openadmin' and MySQL root password is 'abc123'.
> Let us know of any problems. -- openadmin@xxxxxxxxx
> Les Richardson
> http://richtech.ca/openadmin