On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:57 AM, LM
<lmemsm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We're having an issue with the tags and searching because of an update to the Drupal software. Your entries have probably been added to the database. You just can't bring it up easily. If you check all programs or if you select a particular platform and then search for a specific tag it sometimes works. Otherwise, it usually comes up empty. You can add to the wiki at this point and it will show. David's working on finding a fix for Drupal as he has time. (Issues like this are just one of the reasons I like to do everything myself and not use platforms like Drupal for my own web development, but them I'm very biased about that sort of thing.)
Thank you very much for adding the links to the directory.
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Yishay Mor
<yishaym@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Very interesting.
I tried to add Sigil and Bakerframework to the schoolforge directory, but they don't seem to show up.