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Re: [school-discuss] ltsp server specs question
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:08:32AM +0700, j. Tim Denny wrote:
> more ram means more power draw...
Rather negligible for a desktop/server.
> > [...] LTSP for now. It's a file server on the LAN, of course.
> I am confused... isn't LTSP for clients? yet you say it is
> intended as a fileserver...
Both can coexist peacefully. :)
> a full server if it is simple to share files?
> how about something like the Sheevaplug
Won't do the disk(s) throughput for ~50 clients,
even when you manage to find a board with SATA
(we do have a few).
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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