Hi All,A few different points from Pittsburgh, PA, USA.#1. Do you know LiveCode?Âhttp://www.LiveCode.orgIf not, check it out. You might be impressed. Runs on Linux. Craft apps for Android and iOS, plus WIN, Mac, Linux. Open source came following a Kickstarter campaign more than a year ago.Â#2. Western PennsylvaniaÂLiveCodeÂUser Group is calling its first meeting for 6 pm on Tuesday,ÂFebruary 24, 2015, at Carnegie Mellon University'sÂModern Language Resource Center, Room 225c Baker Porter Hall. All those in and around Pittsburgh with experiences or an interest in the multi-platform, open source, softwareÂLiveCodeÂ(http://www.LiveCode.com)Âare invited to attend theÂorganizationalÂmeeting. OurÂmeet and greet starts with pizza and includes a 20-to-30 minute presentation and demoÂfromÂMarcÂSiskin of CMU onÂhow he converts hisÂLiveCodeÂcontent into mobile apps that run on both iOS and Android devices.ÂIf you have anyÂinterest in the group, attend the meeting or elseÂemailÂmsiskin@xxxxxxxxxxxÂor callÂ412-401-5623Âas monthly meetings are expected.#3. Made a proposal for a school based after school project called, "TECH Captains."ÂThe proposal asked for $8,000 on a local RFP. It did not get funding.#3 b) Full proposal in PDF:ÂAll of it is in the public domain.Â--
Mark Rauterkus   ÂÂMark.Rauterkus@xxxxxxxxx Â
PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim and Water Polo Camp Head CoachVarsity Boys Swim Coach, Pittsburgh Obama AcademyHead Water Polo Coach, Carnegie Mellon University Women's Club Team
Pittsburgh Combined Water Polo Team
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