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[school-discuss] World Book CD-ROM offer
I just received an offer from a software company I've purchased from
in the past for the World Book Encyclopedia 2003 Deluxe 2 CD-ROM set
for $10/set. The offer is limited to three sets per customer, as
this is a marketing promotion. It says only Windows-compatible. I
think this might be useful to anyone interested in creating a Linux
reader program for World Book. I'm sure you won't get a better deal
for the 2CD set. I'm willing to order three of these and ship them
to anyone interested in using them if you'll agree to cover the $10
cost plus, oh, $1 for shipping. Let me know if you want to do this
(The order has to be in by Feb. 28).
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Doug Loss All you need in this life is
drloss@suscom.net ignorance and confidence,
and then success is sure.
Mark Twain