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Re: [school-discuss] introduction to the solar system
On 2003-01-03 19:14:41 +0100 Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@free.fr>
Instead of recompiling everything, you can you the freeduc CD which
all the best education software in. More, you don't need to install
all !!!
And don't forget the SEUL/edu ISO project
<http://www.seul.org/edu/iso.html>, which will be producing
something similar to what Brett asked for also. I'm working on it
today (I'm home from work being snowed in by a ~20-30 cm.
snowstorm). Let me put in yet another request for teachers and
other education-affiliated people to help us on the ISO project by
doing some Phase 1 reviews! You'll find instructions on how to do
them at the website. It's easy!
Also, you may want to look at
<http://richtech.ca/cgi-bin/seul/seulvw.pl?category=Astronomy>, the
Astronomy category listing for the SEUL/edu Application Index. It
has listings for 22 astronomy programs for Linux, including
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Doug Loss All you need in this life is
drloss@suscom.net ignorance and confidence,
and then success is sure.
Mark Twain